Winter term
Course CPs Lecturer
Deterministische Signale und Systeme 7 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marius Pesavento
Kommunikationstechnik I 6 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Communication Technology II 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Summer term
Course CPs Lecturer
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Dr. rer. nat. Sabrina Klos
Dr.-Ing. Andrea Ortiz
Machine Learning in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 6 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Prof. Dr. techn. Heinz Köppl
Mobile Communications 6 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Proseminar and projectseminar, winter and summer term
Course CPs Lecturer
Project Seminar Wireless Communications 8 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Proseminar ETIT (Literaturseminar) in the KTS (PO2014) 2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Scientific Working and Writing (PO2023) 3 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Projektseminar Kommunikationstechnik und Sensorsysteme 8 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein
Ergänzung zum Projektseminar Kommunikationstechnik und Sensorsysteme (Ersatz für Einführungsprojekt) 2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein

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