Dr.-Ing. Nico Franzen


work 08153-28 2867

Work Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation Oberpfaffenhofen
82234 Weßling

N. Franzen, "Comparison of Coordinated and Uncoordinated PHY/MAC Schemes for Beaconing (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)," in Proc. IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference DASC, Williamsburg, VA, USA, Oct 2012.

S. Gligorevic, N. Schneckenburger, N. Franzen & M. Schell, "L-band Compatibility of LDACS1, (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)" in Proc. CEAS Air and Space Conference, Venezia, Italy, Oct 2011.

N. Schneckenburger, N. Franzen, S. Gligorevic & M. Schell, "L-band Compatibility of LDACS1, (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)" in Proc. IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, San Francisco, USA, Oct 2011.

N. Franzen, "Advanced Aloha with SIC for Beaconing in a MANET (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 2011.

M. Schnell, N. Franzen & S. Gligorevic, "L-DACS1 Laboratory Demonstrator Development and Compatibility Measurement Set-up, (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)" in Proc. IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, Oct 2010.

M. Walter, N. Franzen & M. Schnell, "New Concepts for a Decentralized, Self-Organizing Air-to-Air Radio Link, (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)" in Proc. IEEE Digital Avionics System Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, Oct 2010.

N. Franzen, A. Arkhipov & M. Schell, "L-DACS1 Physical Layer Laboratory Demonstrator, (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)" in Proc. IEEE Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference, Washington DC, USA, May 2010.