Dipl.-Ing. Holger Degenhardt
- Zukünftige Mobilfunksysteme
- Digitale Signalverarbeitung
Multiple access schemes for two-way relaying using multiple antennas in multiuser scenarios
One major challenge for future wireless communication systems is the ubiquitous demand of high transmission rates. Relaying is a promising technique to meet this demand. In relaying, the transmission between two nodes S1 and S2 may be assisted by an intermediate relay RS if a direct transmission is not possible, e.g., due to shadowing or limited transmit powers. Non-regenerative two-way relaying is a relaying scheme which utilizes the radio resources particularly efficiently. In the first time slot, all nodes transmit simultaneously to the relay. In the second time slot, RS retransmits a linear processed version of the received superimposed data transmissions of the nodes. Afterwards, the nodes can determine the desired data by subtracting their own transmitted but interfering data from the received superposition. Multi-antenna techniques are known to provide significant performance gains in terms of achievable data rates. Most of the research on two-way relaying is limited to a single pair of nodes. However, typically multiple users compete for the radio resources in wireless communications. Thus, system concepts for multi-user multi-antenna two-way relaying and the multiple access schemes required to manage the interferences between multiple users shall be developed.
- Mobilkommunikation (2010-2013)
- PS Drahtlose Kommunikation (2010-2013)
- PS Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik
- Studien-/Diplom-/Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten: 1/0/1/6
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Known-Interference Aware Iterative MMSE Filter Design for Non-Regenerative Multi-Way Relaying", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Saint Martin, December 2013.
- H. Degenhardt, Y. Rong, A. Klein, "Non-Regenerative Multi-Way Relaying: Combining the Gains of Network Coding and Joint Processing", In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 5692-5703, November 2013.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "A Network Coding Approach to Non-Regenerative Multi-Antenna Multi-Group Multi-Way Relaying", In Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Spring), Dresden, Germany, June 2013.
- H. Degenhardt, F. Hohmann, A. Klein, "A Hybrid Approach Combining Non-Regenerative MIMO Two-Way Relaying and Direct Link Transmission", In Proceedings of the International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2013), Stuttgart, Germany, March 2013.
- H. Degenhardt, F. Hohmann, A. Klein, "Pilot Transmission Scheme and Robust Filter Design for Non-Regenerative Multi-Pair Two-Way Relaying", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'12), Sydney, Australia, September 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Hybrid one-/two-way transmission scheme for bidirectional multi-user relaying under asymmetric rate requirements", In Proceedings of the International OFDM Workshop 2012 (INOWo'12), Essen, Germany, August 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Self-interference aware MIMO filter design for non-regenerative multi-pair two-way relaying", In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), Paris, France, April 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Filter design with optimized numbers of data streams for multi-pair two-way relaying under asymmetric rate requirements", In Proceedings of the International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2012), Dresden, Germany, March 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, T. Unger, A. Klein, "Self-interference aware MMSE filter design for a cellular multi-antenna two-way relaying scenario", In Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'11), Aachen, Germany, November 2011.
- A. Klein, A. Zoubir, S. Ulbrich, H. Degenhardt, F. Suratman & A. Kühne, "Herausforderungen zukünftiger Mobilkommunikation", Forschen, Nr. 2, pp. 64-69, November 2011.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Non-regenerative multi-antenna two-hop relaying under an asymmetric rate constraint", In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2011), Cancun, Mexico, March 2011.
- H. Degenhardt, D. Czepluch, F. Demmel, A. Klein, "Consideration of Sectors for Direction of Arrival Estimation with Circular Arrays", In Proceedings of the International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Bremen, Germany, February 2010.
- M. Moebus, H. Degenhardt, A. Zoubir, "Local Array Calibration using Parametric Modeling of Position Errors and a Sparse Calibration Grid", In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, UK, September 2009.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Non-regenerative multi-way relaying", in Proc. ITG FG 5.1 "Angewandte Informationstheorie", Darmstadt, Germany, April 2014.
- H. Degenhardt, A.Klein, "Multi-User Multi-Antenna Two-Way Relaying", in Proc. of the 3rd Retreat of the Graduate School CE at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Heppenheim, Germany, October 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A.Klein, "Non-regenerative multi-antenna multi-pair two-way relaying", in Proc. of the DFG-Kolloquium: Communications in Interference Limited Networks (COIN), Bochum, Germany, October 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Self-interference aware multi-pair two-way relaying under asymmetric rate requirements", Research Seminar of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, October 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Transmission schemes and filter design for non-regenerative multi-user two-way relaying", in Proc. ITG FG 5.1 "Angewandte Informationstheorie", Bremen, Germany, March 2012.
- H. Degenhardt, A. Klein, "Non-regenerative multi-pair two-way relaying", in Proc. of the Cocoon Workshop on Cooperative Sensor Communications, Darmstadt, Germany, October 2011.
- H. Degenhardt, A.Klein, "Non-regenerative multi-antenna two-way relaying in cellular scenarios", in Proc. of the DFG-Kolloquium: Communications in Interference Limited Networks (COIN), Dresden, Germany, May 2011.
- H. Degenhardt, A.Klein, "Multi-antenna two-hop relaying under an asymmetric rate constraint", in Proc. of the DFG-Kolloquium: Communications in Interference Limited Networks (COIN), Munich, Germany, October 2010.
- Five talks within the Research Colloquium of the Graduate School CE at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, October 2010, June and October 2011, May and November 2012.