Dr.-Ing. Rakash SivaSiva Ganesan
work +49 6151 16-3769
fax +49 6151 16-5394
S3|06 247
- Kooperative Kommunication
- Interferenz Ausrichtung
- Übung zur Vorlesung Communication Technology II
- Betreuung von Studien-/Diplom-/Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten
- Betreuung des Projektseminars Drahtlose Kommunikation
Aktuelle Studien-/Diplom-/Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten
- Nil
- R. S. Ganesan, H. Al-Shatri, X. Liang, T. Weber and A. Klein, "Multi-group multi-way relaying with reduced number of relay antennas," in Proc.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech, and Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, Mai. 2014.
- R. S. Ganesan, H. Al-Shatri, A. Kühne, T. Weber and A. Klein, "Pair-Aware Interference Alignment in Multi-user Two-way Relay Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, issue: 99, 2013.
- R. S. Ganesan, H. Al-Shatri, T. Weber and A. Klein, "Relay-aided interference alignment for bidirectional communications in multi-pair multi-relay networks," in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun. 2013.
- R. S. Ganesan, H. Al-Shatri, T. Weber and A. Klein, "Iterative MMSE filter design for multi-pair two-way multi-relay networks," in Proc.IEEE International Conference on Communications, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.
- R. S. Ganesan, H. Q. Le, H. Al-Shatri, T. Weber and A. Klein, "Closed form solution and useful signal power maximization for interference alignment in multi-pair two-way relay networks," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communication and Neworking Conference, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.
- R. S. Ganesan, H. Al-Shatri, T. Weber and A. Klein, "Cooperative Zero Forcing in Multi-Pair Multi-Relay Networks," in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2012.
- R. S. Ganesan, A. Klein, "Projection based Space-Frequency Interference Alignment in a Multi-Carrier Multi-User Two-Way Relay Network" in Proc. International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Aachen, Germany, Nov. 2011.
- R. S. Ganesan, T. Weber & A. Klein, "Interference Alignment in Multi-User Two Way Relay Networks," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 2011.
Mitautor Publikationen
- X. Li, H.Al-Shatri, R. S. Ganesan, A. Klein and T. Weber, "Interference Alignment Aided by Locally Connected Relays," accepted for publication in Proc. International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Germany, Aug. 2013.
- X. Li, H.Al-Shatri, R. S. Ganesan, A. Klein and T. Weber, "Feasibility Conditions for Relay-Aided Interference Alignment in Partially Connected Networks," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2013.
- H.Al-Shatri, X. Li, R. S. Ganesan, A. Klein and T. Weber, "Closed-Form Solutions for Minimizing Sum MSE in Multiuser Relay Networks," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2013.
- H.Al-Shatri, R. S. Ganesan, A. Klein and T. Weber, "Interference Alignment Using a MIMO Relay and Partially-Adapted Transmit/Receive Filters," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, pp. 459-464, Apr. 2012.
- H.Al-Shatri, R. S. Ganesan, A. Klein and T. Weber, "Perfect Versus Imperfect Interference Alignment Using Multiple MIMO Relays," in Proc. International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Aug. 2012.
- B. Keck, R. S. Ganesan, U. Zoelzer, "Algorithm for Stitching of Video Sequences," in Proc. Eighth IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, & Image Processing, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 1-3, 2008.
- B. Keck, R. S. Ganesan, C. Ruwwe, U. Zölzer, "Contour Image Indexing using Dyadic Wavelet Transform of One Dimensional Signal with Branch Compensation," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 24-27, 2007.